
Man Pleads Guilty In Glouster Drug Ring

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A Glouster man will serve 10 years in jail for his part in an interstate prescription drug trafficking ring.

Derrick Gyure pleaded guilty to sixteen count for his part in an interstate drug ring that traffick prescription pills between southeast Ohio and Detroit, Michigan.

Gyure's sentence is part of a plea deal with the Athens County Prosecutor's Office.

Prosecutor Keller Blackburn says that he feels Gyure's sentence is fair given his involvement in the drug ring.

"Not a lot of people plead guilty to 10 years. You can be sentenced to as few as 10 years for killing someone, so this a large sentence in a drug case," Blackburn said.

Gyure brought over 100,000 prescription pills for distribution and personal use into the state since 2009 

He was arrested with nearly $42,000 worth of medications and faces a forfeiture of $18,087 in seized firearms and vehicles.

Blackburn said that, since his arrest, Gyure's behavior has improved over time and he has become more cooperative in the investigation. 

"During his initial time in prison he was very much in charge, rude to his mother, and giving order to other people," Blackburn said. "Mr. Gyure began to slowly change and the way he treats his mother on the phone is much different today than it was the day he was arrested."

Blackburn said Gyure's cooperation is a key part of their case against brandon Allen, the former Detroit police officer who Blackburn says is the kingpin in the drug ring.

Allen was arraigned back in July and pleaded not guilty to racketeering and drug trafficking charges. He will stand trial in October.