Candlelight Vigil Aims Peace Toward Ferguson
By: Bianca Hillier
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It's been one month since Michael Brown was shot and killed in Ferguson, Missouri. Rather than voice their concerns about how the incident was handled, the Unitarian Universitalism Fellowship of Athens is peacefully urging others to move forward with respect.
Co-President of UUFA Barb Harrison lead the event Tuesday evening at the Athens County Courthouse. Members of the group held banners and candles, wearing shirts that said "stand on the side of love."
The mood was purposefully subdued and quiet, as UUFA member Daniel R. Williams told me they wanted it to be a respectful and peaceful event to commemorate Brown's life.
Harrison says the event was a "chance for people to come together and think about [the death] and come up with ways how we personally, in our own little corner of the world, can make a difference and make a positive change for the future."
There are still strong and warranted opinions on what should happen next in Ferguson, but people in Athens are simply trying to promote peace and justice around the community.
There are several more peaceful events happening this week. A socialist group will be joining the Student Senate meeting Wednesday evening to support freedom of speech after Student Senate President Megan Marzac received death threats for her controversial video. The meeting will take place in Walter Hall, Room 235 at 7:15 pm. Ohio University faculty will be discussing racism, policing and the struggles for justice in Ferguson at a panel in Athena 212 at 6:00 Thursday evening. Following that, the United Campus Ministry will hold their 4th annual Interfaith Peace Walk Thursday evening at 7:00. The walk will begin at the Good Shepard Church and end at the Islamic Center, advocating peace and justice for all faiths along the way.