
You are viewing the November 12, 2014 daily archives

"Urban Nature," Kelly Lawrence

“Women of Appalachia” Exhibit to Hit the Road

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Once again women of diverse backgrounds, ages and experiences have come together to participate in the 6th Annual Women of Appalachia (WOA) events, beginning with a reception on Saturday, Nov. 15 at the Parkersburg Art Center.

The fine art exhibition, which includes spoken word performances, will travel to four different venues throughout Ohio and West Virginia over a six-month period.

Ohio University Division of Dance 2014 Senior Dance Concert

OU Seniors Spotlighted at Fall Dance Concert (PHOTOS)

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The Ohio University Division of Dance in the School of Dance, Film and Theatre will present its annual Fall Senior Dance Concert, the culminating project for BFA dance majors, Nov. 13-15 in Putnam Hall's Shirley Wimmer Dance Theatre.

Six seniors will employ their unique perspectives in newly created choreographic works to be presented at 7 p.m. and 9 p.m. each evening.