
Convocation Center
Photo: Ohio University

Fifth Annual “Cruise-In at the Convo” Scheduled for May 16

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Ohio University and the Ohio University Alumni Varsity Band (AVB) will host the fifth annual Cruise-In at the Convo on May 16. The event benefits Ohio University Marching Band Society of Alumni and Friends (OUMBSAF) initiatives.

Vintage automobile car owners and the general public are invited to attend the free event. There will be door prizes and raffle drawings for those in attendance.

“Every year the turnout has grown; last year there were 75 cars,” said Erica Lipscomb, associate director of external relations at alumni relations, and AVB liaison to the Ohio University Alumni Association.

In only four years AVB has had participants come from 35 different counties in Ohio, West Virginia, Pennsylvania, and Florida.

“They expect to see even more car enthusiasts this year with over 300 attendees and 110 registered cars,” Lipscomb said.

Day-of registration will begin at 9 a.m. Car owners pay a $10 registration fee. The judges will arrive at noon to choose award recipients. Lou Horvath, a 1975 graduate of the College of Arts and Sciences, will act as DJ, public announcer and award presenter for the event. The award ceremony starts at 1:10 p.m.

There are no “best of” categories during the Cruise-In at the Convo, but rather “choice” awards selected by the individual judges. Previous awards have included: the President’s Choice; the OUAA Choice; the OHIO Athletics Choice; and the Ohio University Marching 110 Choice.

Visitors can also select their “choice” cars. In the past, awardees and participating motorists were given dash plaques and T-shirts.

For information or to register for the Cruise-in at the Convo, visit….