
Athens County Prosecutor Holds Community Conversation in Trimble

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  1. Athens Prosecutor Holds Community Meeting in Trimble Ben Postlethwait 1:02

The Athens County Prosecutor’s Office held a public meeting in Glouster on Wednesday to begin a discussion on public issues relating to crime and drugs and their effect on the community.

Several dozen people, including multiple law enforcement officials, gathered in Trimble High School’s Cafeteria for the Community Justice Initiative put on in a partnership between the Tomcat Bridgebuilders organization, which is a non-profit group promoting community alternatives to drug use and drug culture in Trimble Township, and the Athens County Prosecutors Office .

Representatives from the Athens County Prosecutors spoke with about the Athens County Empowerment (ACE) diversion program, which aims to rehabilitate first-time felony offenders who committed low-level crimes.

The ACE program, which currently has 252 members, is a 2-year program that allows those low-level offenders an opportunity to avoid a criminal record through monthly phone contacts, drug rehabilitation, and community service.

Robert Sebring, a young man who is currently going through the program, spoke briefly about his experience.

“When I saw the things that could happen to me, I saw my life go – gone. I was going to go to jail and not do anything with my life,” Sebring said. “I was lucky enough to find the diversion program… It’s really helped me look and see how this affects everyone out in the world. It’s given me the opportunity to be myself.”

Also in attendance where Glouster Police officers, representatives from the Athens County Public Defenders office, and Athens County Sheriff Rodney Smith.