
Female Officers Bring Unique Role To Law Enforcement
< < Back to“If you’re looking for somebody to beat down a door, I’m not going to be the person you call.”
Although she may not be the person for that particular situation, Deputy Jen Atkins of the Athens County Sheriff’s Office and other female officers provide a unique and important role for law enforcement agencies.
“Having a female in the office provides a completely different skill set and perspective. It’s not that one is any better than the other, it’s just completely different,” said Atkins, particularly when it comes to female crime victims. “If it’s a sensitive crime, if it’s a domestic violence issue or an assault of some sort, sometimes those females feel a lot more comfortable looking at you and talking about really sensitive topics than they would feeling re-victimized talking to some guy they’ve never seen before about something they consider a very private matter.”
Read the full story at The Athens Messenger.