Women Center Prepares to Kick Off Self-Defense Workshop
< < Back toThe Ohio University Women’s Center will be helping women defend themselves on campus and around the city by hosting the “Personal Safety and Self-Defense Workshop.”
The workshop will be taught by local self-defense trainer Cheryl Cesta. Cesta will be teaching verbal skills, assertiveness, and physical techniques to use in a troublesome situation. She will focus on topics like the way women should walk and the voices that should be used if threatened. Cesta teaches self-defense at Hocking College and has over 30 years of experience of teaching personal safety and self defense.
The women’s center program coordinator, Sarah Jenkins believes the workshop is a great opportunity for women.
“I think self defense [work]shops give women a little extra security when they’re out at night and it’s just a nice opportunity to learn some physical and verbal techniques and also they’re a lot of fun,” Jenkins said.
Jenkins says she thinks women who attend the workshop will leave more confident and comfortable with their self defense abilities.
The workshop will be held Friday, Sept. 4 from 4-6 pm at the Women’s Center, 403 Baker. For more information, contact Ohio University Women’s Center at (740) 593-9625 or visit