
Husted Sends Ohio Pot Issue Findings to County Prosecutor
By: Associated Press
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COLUMBUS, Ohio (AP) – Ohio’s elections chief has referred alleged violations against a group supporting Tuesday’s marijuana legalization question to a central Ohio prosecutor.
In a letter Friday, Secretary of State Jon Husted told Delaware County Prosecutor Carol O’Brien that a county election board investigation found potential election law violations by The Strategy Network, which circulated Issue 3 petitions.
Josh Pedaline, director of the county board of elections, says the alleged violations included signatures on petitions that appear to be “non-genuine,” and irregularities in voter registration information.
O’Brien said she anticipates further investigation by the sheriff.
Husted’s letter noted the county board’s investigation was separate from a statewide probe he has undertaken. ResponsibleOhio, the group backing the marijuana amendment, said it “has always followed the letter of the law when collecting petition signatures.”
For the official ballot language for Issue 3, click here.