Breakfast, Dessert and Cocktail Holiday recipes
By: Kelly Martin
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The holiday season is about more than just one day. It’s about a period of time when you spend time with friends and family and create memories. Here are some recipes to make your holiday season special.
Eggnog Breakfast Bread Pudding
A lot of people have a traditional Christmas morning breakfast and I can’t think of another dish that is more traditional than an eggnog breakfast casserole.
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Bacon, Potato & Egg Breakfast Casserole
Another great recipe for Christmas morning breakfast, or for any weekend morning. A nice hearty breakfast for the cold winter that is bold to show up at some time. The best part: it’s easily prepared ahead of time so you don’t have to do much work in the morning.
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Cranberry Coconut Cake with Marshmallow Cream Frosting Recipe
Cranberry, coconut and marshmallow cream – need I say more? If you’re not a fan of coconut, you can always omit it from the recipe. The cranberry flavor mixed with the sweet, light flavor of marshmallow cream will add a nice element for Christmas dinner.
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You might remember the Hostess snow balls that you enjoyed as a kid. This recipe is very similar with a dark cake, fun cream in the middle and a coconut icing on the outside. To make it extra festive, you can tint the icing red or green.
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And to top it off, we can’t forget to include a cocktail recipe. This recipe with strawberry vodka, creme de menthe and cranberry juice will be something unique to add to your festivities.
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