Ohio House Leader to Name Task Force on Medical Marijuana
< < Back to ohio-house-leader-to-name-task-force-on-medical-marijuanaCOLUMBUS, Ohio (AP) – The leader of the Ohio House plans to name a bipartisan task force to review the issue of medical marijuana.
State lawmakers have been examining potential legislative steps to address medical marijuana after voters rejected a broad ballot initiative this past November. That proposal sought to legalize pot for medical and recreational use.
House Speaker Cliff Rosenberger planned to hold a news conference at the Statehouse on Thursday to announce a task force charged with addressing the issue.
Polls suggest Ohio voters back legalized medical marijuana. Rosenberger, a Clarksville Republican, has said the issue has some support within his GOP caucus.
Ohio voters could see a pot legalization question on the ballot this fall. The head of the failed marijuana legalization campaign has said the effort is regrouping for 2016.