2 Ohio Lawmakers Plan Listening Tour On Medical Marijuana
< < Back to 2-ohio-lawmakers-plan-listening-tour-on-medical-marijuanaCOLUMBUS, Ohio (AP) – Two state lawmakers in Ohio plan to travel the state to gather public opinion as the Legislature contemplates where to go next on medical marijuana.
State Sens. Dave Burke, of Marysville, and Kenny Yuko, of Richmond Heights, will at an event Tuesday discuss details of a series of town hall forums they have planned. Burke is a Republican and Yuko is a Democrat.
Ohio voters resoundingly defeated a marijuana proposal last fall that would have legalized marijuana for both medicinal and recreational use. While unsuccessful, the effort made clear that a future question focused on medical marijuana could pass if lawmakers don’t act.
Ohio House leaders announced a task force last week to conduct a comprehensive review of medical marijuana. Burke and Yuko’s listening tour marks some Senate interest.