
Woman Questioned in Ohio Trooper’s Stalking Case

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MARIETTA, Ohio (AP) – The lawyer for an Ohio State Highway Patrol post commander accused of stalking a subordinate’s wife after a monthslong affair has raised questions about whether she continued to have contact with him voluntarily.

Lt. William Elschlager of the Marietta post is charged with menacing by stalking and an abduction count related to allegations of improperly using a patrol vehicle to stop the woman for speeding. He hasn’t entered a plea.

His case in Washington County could be considered by a grand jury.

The Marietta Times reports the woman testified Elschlager called and showed up uninvited after the affair ended in August, making her feel unsafe.

Under questioning by Elschlager’s attorney, she acknowledged they took a cruise together in September and he helped pay for Christmas gifts for her child.