Groups Want Right To Life Leader Off Medical Board
< < Back toCOLUMBUS, Ohio (AP) – Groups representing doctors, consumers and women are asking the state medical board to remove the president of Ohio Right to Life as the board’s president because they say he can’t be impartial in abortion-related cases.
Organizations wanting Mike Gonidakis removed as medical board president include Common Cause Ohio, Doctors for Health Care Solutions, Democratic Voices of Ohio, the National Organization for Women and the liberal policy group ProgressOhio.
A letter dated Friday cited Gonidakis’ public statements against three Ohio abortion providers as evidence he has a conflict of interest when it comes to abortion matters.
Gonidakis said Monday he had not yet read the letter to the board so he couldn’t immediately comment.
Republican Gov. John Kasich appointed Gonidakis to one of two consumer seats on the board.