OU Non-Art Majors Prepare to ‘Go Big or Go Home’
< < Back toAthens Uncorked will play host to a gallery show featuring works from Ohio University students on Sunday, Dec. 4. In a show titled “Go Big or Go Home,” members of MFA candidate Rebecca Chmielewski’s Introduction to Drawing course will present their final projects of the semester.
Introductory art courses intended for students with an interest but no formal major in the arts provide the opportunity to not only hone and improve skills, but also receive critiques and judgements on par with what art majors experience. The courses typically tend to attract the attention of those with an interest and, often, a past history with art. If nothing else, the courses serve as proof that talent does not exist solely in those with a declared major.
“I have been extremely impressed by the work created by all of the non-majors that are in this drawing class. While most students seem to have a background in or strong appreciation for the arts, many expressed that they had not drawn or been visually creative in a while,” said Chmielewski. “The art produced has far exceeded my expectations from a non-major class and surpass some of the work produced by some art majors I have seen.”
For their final projects, students were provided the opportunity to either rework a previous project or introduce and craft an entirely new idea with several weeks of preparation. While the course serves to focus on drawing, other forms of media have been encouraged ranging from digital displays to paintings and even fashion design. Both the upcoming show and course have given insight to not just students, but for first-year college instructor Chmielewski as well, who has credited the course with providing new insight on how to teach students in the future.
The course is highly recommended for any and will with a general appreciation or interest in the arts.
“I believe that anyone can learn to draw, because learning to draw is really about learning how to pay attention and break the use of symbols,” said Chmielewski. With that said, the “introduction” phrasing may lead to the idea that like other basic courses, the class may present an “easy-A.”
“Just as with any other class, you have to put in the time and work, and what you get out of it will be based on what you put into it,” said Chmielewski.
The Go Big or Go Home show will take place from 5:30 p.m. to 7 p.m. Athens Uncorked is located at 14 Station St. in Athens, OH off of West Union St. next to Lui Lui. The wine bar carries an extensive selection of wines, beers, as well as snacks. Non-alcoholic juices, sodas, and teas are also available.