
City Refunds $34K to Motorists Ticketed from Speed Camera

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TOLEDO, Ohio (AP) – The city of Toledo has refunded 34 thousand dollars to motorists for 270 tickets issued this year by police officers who incorrectly used hand-held speed cameras at a school zone.

The Blade reports the refunds result from Toledo police measuring speeds outside the posted 20 mph zone. A police lieutenant says the speed sign was improperly placed.

An additional 174 tickets issued between Jan. 1 and April 13 that are listed as being in default or have been sent to a collection agency have been forgiven.

More than 100 people were ticketed at the school zone on Feb. 1, including a Toledo city councilman and his wife. Their tickets were dismissed after Councilman Rob Ludeman pointed out the problem to Police Chief George Kral.