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Virtual Reality News is Here and More is Coming says VR Expert

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USA Today, in partnership with YouTube, delivers a weekly virtual reality newscast called VRtually There, produced by VR veteran Robert Padavick.

It is the first native VR series, says Padavick and it produces three feature stories a week. Although VR is in its infancy, Padavick claims that watching something in VR is like having a movie theater on your face. The experience is totally immersive and like no other.

Consumers can experience stories…not just hear them or see them.

He thinks that VR is the news delivery vehicle of the future and it is now in its experimental and developmental stages. But, he thinks it will become mainstream soon.

Even though the visuals are the base of VR, Padavick claims that sound is equally important and spatial audio is complicated to capture and deliver. It also is in its developmental stage.

In creating VR new products that must be captured, produced, monetized and delivered to consumers, Padavick says he feels like a “pioneer.”

He also claims that “writing” is still the foundation of storytelling and that great writing is equally important in VR stories.

Padavick is not a newcomer to the news business. Before landing with USA Today’s VR team, Padavick had experience with both CNN and NBC.

He is a firm believer that the public will demand more and more experiential news and feature stories.