Ohio Governor Reschedules 19 Upcoming Executions
< < Back toCOLUMBUS, Ohio (AP) – Gov. John Kasich has rescheduled executions for 19 condemned killers on Ohio’s death row.
The reprieves granted by Kasich push most executions previously scheduled over the next several years forward by a few months. The latest is now set for April 21, 2022.
Kasich said Friday he adjusted the schedule following a U.S. Supreme Court ruling earlier this summer upholding Ohio’s three-drug lethal injection process.
The governor says the goal is ensuring that executions are carried out in a humane and professional fashion.
On Friday Kasich also rejected a clemency request by death row inmate Gary Otte, scheduled to die Sept. 13 for killing two people in Parma in suburban Cleveland in 1992.