
“Teaching Matters” Podcast Returns with Season Two

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It’s Back!! WOUB’s Popular Podcast “Teaching Matters” Starts Its Second Season

“Teaching Matters” hosted by Scott Titsworth, Dean of the Scripps College of Communication at Ohio University is back with its second season of popular podcasts.

“Teaching Matters” focuses on the learning needs of students, of all ages, in the technological age of the 21st Century.

Because of technological advancements, students learn differently and have different expectations of instructors.  Teachers also must teach differently.

TeachingMatters_WOUB“Teaching Matters” explores those dynamics. It also examines other learning needs of students from pre-school through college.

Each Tuesday, a new episode will be released.  Links will be provided at the WOUB Public Media and Teaching Matters Facebook pages and on @woub on Twitter. You also can find archived episodes at

The first episode this season focuses on the transition students make to college. When students enter college, or undergo other similar transitions during their academic careers, they are at greater risk of academic difficulties.

This episode features Wendy Merb-Brown, who is the Assistant Dean of University College at Ohio University. Wendy directs a campus wide learning community program for first-year students, which is designed to support students as they transition to a new stage in their academic career.

The second episode explores excuses and apologies students give for being absent. In previous times, students who missed class either ignored the transgression, or were forced to address the issue with their teacher during office hours, or during a subsequent class period.

Modern communication tools, however, offer new avenues for accounts, excuses, and apologies surrounding absences.

In his recent book titled, Dear Professor: A Chronicle of Absences, Filip Noterdaeme presents over 200 emails that he received from students explaining and apologizing for absences.

In this podcast, Noterdaeme’s book is explored along with examining the lessons to be learned about the emotional nature of apologies between students and teachers.

Tune in every Tuesday for a new episode.