
Lady Buckeyes Take down The Lady Tomcats
By: Molly Kennedy
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Trimble came out with fire in their step with hot uniforms, but it wasn’t enough as they were taken down against the Lady Buckeyes of Nelsonville-York. The Lady Buckeyes came in ready to breeze on through, but the Lady Tomcats put up a fight. NY pushed through winning 4-1 in a hard fought battle.
Trimble dominated the first set with Libero Sydney Hardy running the back line, not letting anything through. Hardy ended the night with 18 digs overall.
Lead by Hardy’s defense, offensive player Macinsey Cooper (16 kills total), and the team’s backbone of Taya Lackey who had 30 assists, the Lady Tomcats were able to pull out a 25-19 win in the first set.
This wasn’t enough to hold the Lady Buckeyes. NY came out ready to go in the second set, as they took the lead early. Jessie Addis (24 digs) ruled the back with Sidney Fick (16 kills) and Haley Hurd (14 kills) dominating the front line. The Lady Buckeyes took the set 25-13 making the match 1-1.
As the third set began, Trimble enhanced their intensity, giving NY a run for their money. But not enough to put a stop to the Lady Buckeyes, as Fick , Addis and Alexis Bostater kept the ball off their court, and into the holes on Trimble’s side. The Lady Buckeyes took the set 25-22.
The Lady Tomcats were fast, but not fast enough to keep the ball away from the empty spaces on their half of the court. The Lady Buckeyes dug in their heels, were up at the net, and strategically placed the ball making Trimble fall all over the place trying to keep up.
Bostater kept her team together in the fourth set while racking up a total of 41 assists, setting up her hitters to take down the Lady Tomcats. NY won the set 25-13 and the hard fought match 4-1.
The Buckeyes are now finished with their regular season, but Trimble has one left. They host Eastern High School (Reedsville) tomorrow, October 12th at 7:15.