Kentucky Lobbyist Convicted Of Bribing Deputy Attorney General
By: Associated Press
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LEXINGTON, Ky. (AP) – A Democratic lobbyist has been convicted of bribing Kentucky’s No. 2 law enforcement officer to win contracts for some outside law firms.
But the federal jury found James Sullivan not guilty of three other charges that accused him of bribing a state official to maintain a lucrative state contract for one of his clients.
The jury deliberated for more than 10 hours over two days before reaching a verdict Monday. Their guilty verdict appeared to hinge on a secret recording of Sullivan handing former Deputy Attorney General Tim Longmeyer $1,000 in a parking lot in 2016. Sullivan was hoping to win a contract for some outside law firms.
Longmeyer is serving 70 months for an unrelated kickback scheme involving the state’s employee health insurance plan.
Sullivan’s sentencing is Sept. 6. He remains free on bond.