
Humane Society: Include Tethering Laws In Dangerous Dogs Discussion

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“Humane Society: Include Tethering Law In Dangerous Dogs Discussion” Andy Chow | Statehouse News Bureau
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A bill has been drafted to strengthen the laws against owners of dogs that carry out serious attacks against other people, but pro-animal groups are saying another topic must be added to the conversation: tethering.

Corey Roscoe with the Humane Society of the United States says dogs suffer neglect by being tied or chained up for days on end without proper care.

“They’re socially isolated, they get bored, they might suffer injuries from being out in the elements, all of these contribute to aggressive behavior,” says Roscoe.

She supports stronger dangerous dog laws but says she still reading through the latest bill to be proposed.

Rep. Niraj Antani (R-Miamisburg) plans to introduce the bill that would increase penalties against owners, from a misdemeanor to a felony.

The Ohio Department of Health says more than 14,000 people were bitten by dogs 2017, although the extent of those injuries were not tracked. Since 2010, 22 people have died in dog attacks.