
U.S. Sen Sherrod Brown Says Affordable Health Care Act Is In Jeopardy

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WASHINGTON, D.C. (Statehouse News Bureau) — Democratic Ohio Sen. Sherrod Brown is blasting most of his colleagues in the Senate and President Trump for proceeding ahead with appointment of a U.S. Supreme Court Justice who could decide the fate of the Affordable Care Act.

Sen. Sherrod Brown gives his victory speech at the Ohio Democrats 2018 Midterm Election Night Watch Party at the Hyatt Regency in Columbus, Ohio on November 6, 2018.
Sen. Sherrod Brown on November 6, 2018. [Jordan Kelley | WOUB]
Brown says when Republicans in congress tried to gut the Affordable Care Act, Americans spoke loud and clear. Now, Brown says the Republicans are trying to get rid” of the health care program by appointing a Supreme Court Justice that they think will do it for them.

“People aren’t going to stand by and watch a bunch of millionaire Senators and judges with good health care, all paid for by taxpayers, trying to take away their health care and silence their own voice in their own government,” Brown says.

Republicans say voters trust them to make this appointment so they will forge ahead with the confirmation hearings of Judge Amy Coney Barrett who has written opinions in the past that appear to make her sympathetic with the effort to scrap the national health insurance program.