
Unofficial Election Results For Vinton County

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Here are the unofficial results in Vinton County for the 2020 general election, according to the county Board of Elections. Vinton County had a voter turnout of 69.1 percent.

For the presidential race, of the 5,967 ballots cast, 4,525 were for Republican Donald Trump and 1,306 for Democrat Joe Biden.

For the United States House of Representatives in House District 15, Republican Steve Stivers received 4,348 votes and Democrat Joel Newby received 1,210 votes.

Vinton County on a mapFor judge of the Vinton County Court, Jeffery Griffith received 2,424 votes, Troy Howdyshell received 1,666 votes, and Timothy Gleeson received 1,304 votes.

For Vinton County commissioner, Republican Mark Fout received 3,789 votes and Democrat Bret Sowers received 1,944 votes.

For Vinton County prosecutor, Republican Jim Payne received  3,990 votes, defeating Democratic incumbent Trecia Kimes-Brown, who received 1,744 votes.

For Vinton County clerk of courts, Republican Jeremiah Griffith received 3,784 votes and Democrat Jody Coleman received 1,931 votes.

For Vinton County recorder, Republican Erin Yates received 3,332 votes, defeating Democratic incumbent Margaret Knox, who received 2,398 votes.

For the State Board of Education in District 10, Brendan Shea received 1,419 votes and Mary Binegar received 1,198 votes.

For the Eagle Township 2 mills fire protection levy, there were 161 votes for and 89 against.

For the Elk Township 0.5 mill cemetery maintenance levy, there were 951 votes for and 421 against.

For the Harrison Township 4 mills fire protection levy, there were 339 votes for and 146 against.

For the Harrison Township 1 mill cemetery maintenance levy, there were 325 votes for and 151 against.

For the Harrison Township 2 mills road improvement levy, there were 330 votes for and 149 against.

For the Madison Township 1 mill fire protection levy, there were 101 votes for and 48 against.

For the Richland Township 1 mill cemetery maintenance levy, there were 466 votes for and 218 against.

For the Wilkesville Township 1.5 mills fire protection levy, there were 282 votes for and 88 against.

For the Wilkesville Township 1 mill cemetery maintenance levy, there were 35 votes for and 16 against.

For the Vinton County 0.4 mill public safety communication levy, there were 3,014 votes for and 2,480 against.

For the McArthur 2.5 mills police protection levy, there were 503 votes for and 229 against.

For the Zaleski 4 mills road improvement levy, there were 99 votes for and 32 against.

For the Zaleski 1 mill parks and recreation levy, there were 82 votes for and 49 against.

Click here for a closer look at these and other races.