
Dr. Janice Collins, author, journalist, & educator talks student empowerment
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Dr. Janice Marie Collins is an author, journalist, documentarian, educator, and humanitarian.
Her most recent book is Teaching Without Borders: Creating Equity, and Inclusion with Active Centralized Empowerment (ACE).
She also authored, 250 Years and Still a Slave.
Dr. Collins says that people, and especially students, can feel marginalized, trapped, and enslaved through lack of diversity, inclusion, and empowerment.
She is a strong advocate for giving students power and opportunities in the classroom and providing students a fair chance to maximize their talents and potentials without demonizing them.
In this episode, Dr. Collins gives numerous examples of how ACE works and succeeds.
In addition to her education advocacy, she has won a journalism award for her student-based website: It gives an outlet to many and varied student perspectives.
Dr. Collins is currently president of World Changers Media International Foundation. (WCMIF).
“WCMIF is a non-profit foundation that is in the transformational business of creating, discovering and promoting platforms, stories and voices to help change the world into a kinder, gentler, more educated, inclusive and empowering one,” says Dr. Collins.
She can be contacted on Instagram at @drjaic, on Facebook at “Active Centralized Empowerment with Dr. Janice Marie Collins,” on Twitter @janicemcollins and on LinkeIn at “Janice Marie Collins, Ph.D.”