
Buckeye Lake May Get Boating Back Under Speedy Building Plan

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BUCKEYE LAKE, Ohio (AP) – Officials planning a new dam at central Ohio’s Buckeye Lake say the construction schedule might let boating return next summer, depending on the weather.

A report that the 4.1-mile earthen dam is at risk of failing prompted officials to keep the lake low this year, too shallow for most boating.

Department of Natural Resources spokeswoman Bethany McCorkle says the plan is to build a berm between the existing dam and the water by June. Then, if safety officials approve, opened gates at the lake could be closed as construction continues. How much the water rises would depend on rainfall.

McCorkle says locals on an advisory panel preferred the aggressive schedule, though it might mean 20 hours of construction six days a week, with the noise and hassle that accompanies it.