
Vinton County Names New Officials, Approves Fire Protection Levies

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Unofficial election results are in for Vinton County.

Karen Martin will be named fiscal officer of Brown Township. The vote was split four ways with Martin receiving 47 percent of the vote.

Carol Mae Brown becomes Clinton Township’s fiscal officer, beating out Jamie Chesser after receiving 60 percent of the vote.

William W. Wellman was elected as Clinton Township trustee over Charles D. Rogers. Wellman received 73 percent of the vote.

Eagle Township passed its replacement levy for fire protection with 56 percent of the vote. The funds will be used to cover personnel and equipment replacement costs for the township fire department.

Tina Richendollar was elected fiscal officer of Eagle Township over Nicole Wax with 64 percent of the vote.

The renewal levy for cemetery maintenance in Elk Township passed with 78 percent of the vote. The money will be used to fund cemetery upkeep in the township.

Bonnie L. Howell and Gary D. Miller won a close race for Hamden Village city council. Howell and Miller beat out three others, receiving 28 and 25 percent, respectively, of the final vote.

Hamden Village’s mayor race was also very close. With 50.4% of the vote, Charles Terry Wiseman beat out Michael K. Woodruff, to become Hamden Village’s next mayor.

Brad Timmons was elected Harrison Township’s next fiscal officer after beating out Bobbie Jo Harper and Jim Lambert. Timmons received 47 percent of the total vote.

Harrison Township’s road repair levy has passed narrowly with 52 percent of the vote.

Jeff Clary was elected Harrison Township trustee after receiving 60 percent of the vote. Clary beat out Gary A. Ashworth and Heidi N. Hamblin to win the position.

With a staggering 81 percent of the total vote, Knox Township’s renewal levy for road repair passed.

McArthur’s renewal levy for police protection/emergency medical passed with 77 percent of the vote. This levy will result in increased funding toward police and emergency medical services in the township.

McArthur’s renewal levy for street road bridge passed with 80 percent of the final vote.

David Bolender and Tammy A. Smith were named to McArthur Village city council after receiving 42 and 30 percent, respectively, of the final vote. Misty L. Napier was also in the running for the position.

McArthur Village mayor will go to Kim C. Wortman after she beat James F. Wooddell by receiving 58 percent of the vote.

The levies for both gas and electric aggregation in McArthur Village have both passed with 51% percent of the final vote. As a result, customers will be allowed to negotiate for lower gas and electric costs.

Roger Bentley becomes Swan Township’s trustee-elect with 47 percent of the vote.

Vinton County’s additional levy for public safety passed with 54 percent of the vote. This levy will allow for 911 Dispatch Equipment Upgrade in the county.

After receiving 92 percent of the final vote, Jeff Thacker will be named to Vinton County’s Board of Education.

Vinton County’s replacement and increase levy for developmental disabilities passed after receiving 53 percent of the vote. This levy ensures availability of programs, services, and support for the county’s developmentally disabled residents.

Vinton County passed its renewal levy for extension service with 65 percent of the vote.

Wilkesville Township’s renewal levy for fire protection passed with 72 percent of the vote.

Kimberley Napper will become Wilkesville Township’s fiscal officer after beating out Phyllis Mulholland by receiving 54 percent of the vote.

Kenneth L. Napper was elected Wilkesville township’s trustee with 45 percent of the vote. Napper beat out three others running for the position.

Zaleski Village’s additional levy for parks and recreation passed with 58 percent of the final vote. This levy is responsible for funding maintenance to village parks.

Zaleski Village’s renewal levy for street maintenance also passed, receiving 59 percent of the vote.

Absentee ballots have been received, but the county is still waiting on provisional ballots.