
Recent Ohio University Grad Shuns Corporate Life for Entrepreneurial Start

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Harold Nuss is a 2015 graduate of the Russ College of Engineering and Technology. He had numerous job offers from some major corporations and major internships while a student. However, he rejected those offers to start down his own entrepreneurial path.

Nuss felt that he needed to pursue his own dreams now – while he is young.

Although he bucked conventional wisdom and job security, Nuss did not seemed to be bothered by his choice when, recently, he talked with WOUB’s Tom Hodson.

“If I had job offers upon graduation, I figure I could get other job offers again later, if I needed them…especially after I have had entrepreneurial experience,” Nuss said. “I don’t see my actions as slamming the door on corporate life. Instead, I have felt that I just needed to follow my own course for a while – to see where it leads me.”

Nuss is an example of several young people from Ohio University starting their careers with their own innovation and entrepreneurial opportunities.

Currently, Nuss is leading a team which has developed Metal Hippo, LLC, centered in the Ohio University’s Innovation Center. The company has developed a cost effective device that assists physical therapists in their ability to capture, disseminate, and store patient data during and following a physical therapy session.

It applies high technology to physical therapy data collection and record keeping.

The young business was officially incorporated in Ohio in May of 2015.