
Ohio Valley Summer Theater Youth Camp Awarded Athens Foundation Grant

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The Ohio Valley Summer Theater Youth camp has just been awarded Athens Foundation Grant to “enhance professional performance workshops for youth.”

“With the support of the Athens Foundation, collaboration with CATCO of Columbus and our great, professional workshops we can offer an unbelievable, lively experience for our campers,” said director Carol Patterson.

The grant makes possible a new level of professional instruction at camp for our session opening June 5 for youth in grades 2-12 as of fall, 2017. Previously announced presenters, Drew Richardson “The Dramatic Fool” (clowning) and Yang Miller (improvisation) will be joined by Shannon Gibbs, senior at Middlebury College in Vermont and founder of the Middlebury Discount Comedy group. Shannon sees sketch comedy as a combination of comic skills including clowning and improv that creates an opportunity to express planned themes in “built” scenes. Sketch gives every camper a part in writing, acting, directing and collaborating. Sam Redfern will join the team as an assistant.  Sam is a sophomore in Theatre at Ohio University.

The final workshop will be offered to campers wanting to learn more about the technical aspects of a production. Maile’ Thi Nguyen, an OU senior in Theatre from Athens, will be returning to OVST Camp to lead this part of our program.

OVST Camp efforts will be showcased June 23 with a presentation created entirely by the campers.  For more information visit, visit us on Facebook, or call 740 541-3728.