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WOUB Senior Spotlight: Ethan Clark

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ATHENS, OH – Ethan Clark is headed south after graduation to use the skills he learned at WOUB to pursue his dream of being involved in film production in Atlanta, Georgia.

“I am looking into several videographer positions in the local news there,” said Clark. “My career goal is to eventually move into the movie industry as a film director and Atlanta really has a blossoming film scene. I’m really excited to get my foot in the door.”

Clark, an integrated media major, came to Ohio University from his hometown of Bradenton, Florida. He started working at WOUB after being accepted into the WOUB Summer Internship Program in June of 2022.

“After serving as an intern over the summer, editing and capturing footage for packages, as well as operating the camera for the live NewsWatch broadcasts, I decided to stay on the staff during the academic year,” said Clark. “I really enjoyed the environment as well as the people I was working with on a daily basis.”

The WOUB experience has given Clark knowledge and skills that he knows will help him throughout his career.

“I’ve learned quite a bit about the technical side of news, which is something that most people don’t really think about. There are so many individual parts of the show to manage technically behind the scenes, that you really get to learn quickly,” said Clark. “Getting a hands-on approach to operating studio cameras, editing news packages for an on-air broadcast and interviewing subjects in the field are all invaluable skills that any media student should know.”

But Clark says working at WOUB wasn’t just about growing his production skills. It also was about finding friends and building important relationships.

“I have to say the most valuable part of WOUB are the students that work there. The newsroom just has such a passion to put out a good broadcast that it’s infectious. The students really put all their passion and hard work into making a great show every night, and it really shows when the broadcast goes live at 6:30 p.m. and everyone snaps into their positions.”

Outside of media, Clark says he enjoys hiking in nature, especially with there being so many great trails and parks to walk around in Athens.