
Consider side-gigs & be flexible, suggests innovator Alex Atwood

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Our guest, Alex Atwood, has been interested in creating and managing businesses since childhood. And in the last 20 years this serial entrepreneur has created and led 4 startups in the hospitality and staffing space. Today he tells us about how, at the start of COVID-19, he and his staff quickly reinvented their organization and kept workers busy serving as disinfection professionals. He describes his current company, GravyWork, whose app helps people find side gigs or full-time jobs with flexible shifts. Alex is deeply interested in purpose-driven, participative leadership, and he describes his approach to running a company. He cares about transformational growth of the mind, body and spirit, and talks about one of his own side-gigs: coaching. And he touches upon microdosing, a tool he sometimes suggests to coaching clients, to cultivate presence, regulate emotions and promote awareness.

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