
Your story on LinkedIn can attract opportunities, says Donna Serdula

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When it was launched about 20 years ago, LinkedIn felt like a fancy Rolodex — a robust digital address book for professionals. But today this platform (now owned by Microsoft) is the place to build and nurture your career network, forge a strong brand, and research many kinds of professional opportunities. Our guest today, Donna Serdula, wrote a book about how to make LI work for you: LinkedIn Profile Optimization for Dummies (2nd Edition). Donna is an expert in branding and social media marketing, she has 44,000 LI followers, and her company, Vision Board Media, does LI makeovers. In this episode, Donna explains why every professional should have an LI profile, whether or not they expect to pursue a job search. And she shares specific tips from her book, about how you can make your LI profile more effective.

For more, check out Donna’s website: 

And see her on LinkedIn: