Better Food Choices For Students And Parents At Federal Hocking
< < Back to ?p=6747The Federal Hocking Local School system is using a $15,000 grant to promote its approach to food.
Superintendent George Wood said the Athens Foundation and three others are funding a one-year study of the district's food system.
Wood said the study will be conducted by Ohio University's College of Health Sciences and Professions.
The study, Wood said, will look into what food is served, how to teach about food, and all of what students eat.
"So what we're going to be doing is trying to find out ways in each of those areas to improve what we're doing, Wood said.
"So in terms of what food we serve, the questions going to be: How can we provide even healthier menus?"
The study is an extension of what Fed Hock is already doing, Wood said.
"We currently buy food at the Chester Hill produce auction. We've bought food from some local sources. We have improved our lunch menus all the way through the district."
Wood added they want to buy more food locally and support farmers.
He said the goal is to help kids and families make healthier choices.