
OU Top Leaders Discuss Guaranteed Tuition

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Ohio University's current tuition structure could be heading for a complete overhaul.

University President Roderick McDavis says top administrators are in the process of creating a proposal for implementing a guaranteed tuition structure.

Guaranteed tuition is when institutions lock in a tuition rate for a student's four years of instruction.

McDavis says this program has promise for schools of OU's size, revenue base and educational mission.

"The plan would offer predictibility for students and parents, and a financial incentive for timely degree completion," said McDavis.

McDavis says the current model of increasing tuition is not sustainable for the long term.

"With the understanding that we cannot continue on the same path of increasing tuition, we have spent the past eight months researching and exploring new tuition options, guaranteed tuition is one of those models," said McDavis.

McDavis says he plans to unveil the proposal at the Board of Trustees next meeting in April.

OU Executive Vice President and Provost Pam Benoit and Vice President for Finance and Administration Stephen Golding recently testified before a House Finance subcommittee on guaranteed tuition.