Read it, Write it, Tell it Head 11
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Grades 3-4
Grades 5-7



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Ohio Department of Education

English Language Arts

Reading Process: Concepts of Print, Comprehension Strategies and Self-Monitoring Strategies

  1. Determine a purpose for reading and use a range of reading comprehension strategies to better understand text.
  2. Apply effective reading comprehension strategies, including summarizing and making predictions and comparisons, using information in text, between text and across subject areas.
  3. Make meaning through asking and responding to a variety of questions related to text.
  4. Apply self-monitoring strategies to clarify confusion about text and to monitor comprehension.

Reading Applications: Literary Text

  1. Describe and analyze the elements of character development.
  2. Analyze the importance of setting.
  3. Identify the elements of plot and establish a connection between an element and a future event.
  4. Differentiate between the points of view in narrative text.
  5. Demonstrate comprehension by inferring themes patterns and symbols.
  6. Identify similarities and differences of various literary forms and genres.
  7. Explain how figurative language expresses ideas and conveys mood.

Communication: Oral and Visual

  1. Use effective listening strategies, summarize major ideas and draw logical inferences from presentations and visual media.
  2. Explain a speaker’s point of view and use of persuasive techniques in presentations and visual media.
  3. Vary language choice and use effective presentation techniques including voice modulation and enunciation.
  4. Select an organizational structure appropriate to the topic, audience, setting and purpose.
  5. Present ideas in a logical sequence and use effective introductions and conclusions that guide and inform a listener’s understanding of key ideas.
  6. Give presentations using a variety of delivery methods, visual materials and technology.