Read it, Write it, Tell it Head 11
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Plot Extensions

Grades 3-4
Grades 5-7



Extension Activities


Students might focus on plot by doing any of the following activities.

  • Plot Line Graph. Have the students make a numbered list of the plot events. Then give each event an excitement rating from 1 to 5 (or 1 to 10). The results can be graphed. An excitement rating for “Ohio Odyssey” might look something like the following example:

Plot Line Graph









  • Make a cartoon strip of the main events in a story.
  • Paint or draw scenes that provide clues to a story’s plot.
  • Create an illustrated picture map of a selection’s main events.
  • Create a timeline of the events of a selection.
  • Create a storyboard of the main events of a selection.
  • Create a map showing where the main character went during the story.
  • Create a PowerPoint presentation of main events. Other applications that create slideshows are Apple computer’s Keynote or the free Open Office presentation application.
  • Create a slideshow on paper. Use strips of paper taped end to end to show main events
  • After reading a selection, have the students explain why different events occur at different times during the story.
  • Predict the next event (or next several events) that will take place following the author’s stopping point for the story.

Other Online Resources   

“Plot Diagram,” an online interactive tool:

“The Story Man Game:”

“Elements of Fiction: Plot”

Plot Profile or Plot Line

Genre Study: The Short Story: Plot Line

Manning, MaryAnn. “Plot.” Teaching PreK-8. April 2001.

Dr. MaryAnn Manning is a professor at the University of Alabama Birmingham (UAB) Department of Curriculum and Instruction and a contributor to Teaching PreK-8 magazine.