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WATCH: The Ethical Implications of Mind-Machine Meld
The fast-moving development of brain-machine interfaces got a boost when Elon Musk announced the work for Neuralink, his new company devoted to implantable devices to enhance cognition and better marry… Read More
What If Aging Wasn’t Inevitable? The Quest To Slow And Even Reverse Aging
Scientists have developed promising clock-turning treatments for mice. Could pills that mimic the benefits of exercise help humans? In this Future You: the effort to stop the symptoms of growing old.
How Mind-Controlled Robot Suits Could Enhance Our Limbs
In Episode 2 of Future You, Elise Hu explores mind-controlled exoskeletons that could let paralyzed people walk or the able-bodied gain super strength.
Mind-Machine Meld: How Computer-Assisted Telepathy Helps Humans Communicate
The next phase of human evolution seems headed toward merging biological bodies with machines, and in the first video of Future You, Elise Hu gets connected to a network and plays a game her thoughts.