School Bus Shooting In Scioto County
By: WOUB Staff Writer
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Scioto County Sheriff's detectives are trying to figure out who shot at a school bus Friday afternoon.
Investigators say Bus Driver Miles Horsley was driving his regular route on Wilson Street when shots were fired at his Clay Local School District bus.
Scioto County Chief Deputy Sheriff Todd Miller says investigators are getting a better idea of the type of gun that was used.
"It appears the bus was hit in two different locations, with what we're assuming at this point, it was some type of an air rifle; reason being that no projectiles entered the bus. One pane of glass on the side of the bus had a chip out of it," says Miller. "The other pane of glass was cracked, but there were no projectiles that penetrated the glass and actually entered the bus."
There were two students on the bus, but they were sitting up toward the front and were not injured.
Miller says detectives are working with the school district to see if they can come up with any suspects or other evidence.
"We do have a detective out at the school this morning. I'm sure he'll be talking with the school officials about the incident and determining if there's any other course of action that needs to be taken," says Miller.
Horsley says he is glad no one was hurt and he'll be keeping his eye open when he passes the same spot on his route today.