Cambridge City Schools Faces $1.2 Mil Deficit Without Levy
By: WOUB Staff Writer
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The superintendent of the Cambridge City School District says the district will need to try again to pass a levy or face serious cuts.
A levy before voters yesterday failed with 54 percent voting against it.
Superintendent Dennis Dettra says the district will face tough financial times without additional funding. "Well, right now we're looking at a $1.2 million deficit in the 2012-2013 school year. If we can't get the levy passed by next school year, there will be cuts made to the district," said Dettra.
The levy failed by a small margin. Dettra says he just wants to keep a consistent budget for the district. "The levy was basically going to keep us even with the funding we've receied over the last few years. It wasn't going to add any positions but was going to keep us from eliminating any positions or programs," said Dettra.
The school board will meet soon to discuss if the levy will go on the ballot in March and what programs would be considered for elimination.