Innovation Center Houses Companies
< < Back to innovation-center-houses-companiesThe Ohio University Innovation Center is helping another up-and-coming company.
Partnering with the center only a year ago, MetalloPharm is one of the newer companies on sight.
MetalloPharm, a drug discovery company, works in the areas of infectious diseases, and it will soon be working on potential treatments for cancer.
According to Senior Scientist Bill Hodnick, MetalloPharm chose Athens as a starting place because of what the Innovation Center had to offer.
“There are other similar centers throughout the state that I’m aware of and that I’ve actually been involved with, but I mean this place has been instrumental,” said Hodnick.
Hodnick says by offering the resources, facilities, equipment, as well as expertise in business development, the center has helped the company’s business grow.
The Innovation Center’s motto is “Fueling bright ideas.” The center intends to be a business incubator, providing support for fledgling companies.
According to the Innovation Center’s website, 22 companies base their research in Athens.