Athens County EMA Gears Up for Halloween
By: Fred Kight
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The Athens County Emergency Management Agency is on the air in Athens this weekend.
Working in cooperation with the City of Athens and the Athens County Public Information Officers Network, Emergency Management has fired-up Athens County's AM radio system.
The AM radio station is owned and operated by the Athens County Emergency Management Agency and the Athens County Public Information Officers Network.
Dan Pfeiffer is the County's Public Information Officer and says the radio is being used to disseminate information about the Athens Halloween Party, which draws thousands of people, many from out of town.
"It's a small portable radio system that puts out a low power signal on an AM band that covers three to five miles depending on the terrain and we try to use it for special events and any emergencies that may arise in Athens County, but it also can be used anywhere in the state," said Pfeiffer.
Pfeiffer says that the radio system is a statewide asset which was bought with Homeland Security money.
The broadcast began Friday and will continue all weekend.
Pfeiffer says that it's a good way to get information out to people in case of an emergency.
Due to FCC regulations, he says the station is not allowed to play any music or commericals.
Pfeiffer says the radio unit has been employed previously and did have an audience.
"Last year, we know that people did hear it and it's kind of hard to judge exactly how many people actually did," said Pfeiffer.
Pfeiffer says their plan this year is to give people information on what bands are playing, street closures and how to stay safe.
People interested in getting this information can tune into 1610 AM.