Monroe County Unofficial Election Results
< < Back toThe unofficial election results for Monroe County are in.
In the race for the Switzerland of Ohio Local School Board incumbent Vice-President Edward Carelton keeps his seat on the board receiving 1,598 votes. Challenger Molly Davis appears to have beaten incumbent Janelle Comstock after receiving 1,505 votes, leading by a 17 vote margin. However, there are still 73 provisional ballots that could make the difference in the race. According to the Monroe County Board of Elections those ballots will be counted on Nov. 18.
The Woodsfield Village Council welcomes back the three incumbents and one newcomer after the November 5 election. Dale English led the race with 374 votes. He was closely followed by challenger Rick Shipp who had 344 votes. Incumbents Mike Cox and Carol Hehr had 333 and 300 votes respectively.
The Switzerland School District 7.72 mills Additional Tax Levy was rejected with 1,998 for and 2,602 against the levy.