Stuart’s After-School Music Program Now Accepting Applications
< < Back to stuarts-after-school-music-program-now-accepting-applicationsStuart’s Opera House in Nelsonville is now accepting applications for students interested in becoming a part of the Stuart’s After School Music Program, which begins in September.
Students will learn to play instruments (guitar, drums, bass, keyboards, vocals, and more) and receive instruction from area musicians and teachers. No previous experience is needed.
In addition to learning instruments and songwriting, students will get a chance to experience many other aspects of making music including recording, multimedia, art, promotions, live performance, and more.
Stuart’s will partner with the Hocking College School of Music along with other local musicians throughout the year to provide a full experience.
The program also offers homework help along with reading and writing enrichment based on music and art.
Stuart’s Opera House will host two open houses for the program on Sept. 2 and Sept. 4 from 4-6 p.m. Those interested in learning more about the program, meeting the instructors, and even playing the instruments a little are encouraged to stop on by at 36 Public Square on either day.
The open houses are open to the public and no sign up is needed. The program is open to all Athens County students ages 13-18, but priority enrollment will be given to Nelsonville-York students.
Students will attend one day a week, after school on either Tuesdays or Thursdays from 3:30- 6 p.m. at Stuart’s Opera House. The new session starts on Sept. 9 and will run through May 2015.
Applications are being accepted now and are available at Stuart’s Opera House, all branches of the Athens County Public Library, and at the Nelsonville-York Junior High and High Schools.
The program began in September 2013 with the first group of students learning instruments, playing songs together, and reading and writing about music.
For information and to get an application, contact Brian Koscho at Stuart’s Opera House at 753-1924 or email brian@stuartsoperahouse.org.