
WOUB Blogger Turns Author with Think Like an Entrepreneur, Act Like a CEO
By: Tom Hodson
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Beverly E. Jones, executive coach/career consultant and WOUB Blogger, has authored a new book, Think Like an Entrepreneur, Act Like a CEO, that just has been released in January by Career Press.
The book is subtitled: 50 Indispensable Tips to Help You Stay Afloat, Bounce Back, and Get Ahead at Work.
It is divided into 50 short chapters that provide specific workplace and tips for people at every stage of their careers.
Some advice is for young people leaving college and entering the full-time working world for the first time. Other suggestions are for people fighting mid-career doldrums. The book also contains guidance for those people trying to re-invent themselves to seek second and third careers later in life.
Jones, a former executive, lawyer, university administrator and Ohio University alumna, outlines practical suggestions using concrete examples from both research and real-life situations.
Recently, Jones talked with WOUB’s Tom Hodson about how the book applies to people early in their careers. She explains how it gives practical advice and pointers.
“I wrote several of the chapters as if I were advising myself as a young person after all my years of experience,” Jones said. “I wrote about items I wish I had known starting out in my career. I am hoping I can help some young people avoid some of the problems and pitfalls I faced as a young administrator.”
Jones also explains how the terms: “professional,” “success,” and “career” have morphed and changed over the decades. She says that young people today have much healthier and inclusive definitions for those terms than in past decades.
More information about Think Like an Entrepreneur, Act Like a CEO can be found at or on Facebook under the books title. Jones also can be followed on twitter @beverlyejones.
Jones’ career blogs are archived at