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“JAZZED ABOUT WORK” – A New WOUB Podcast Hosted by Beverly Jones

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WOUB has a new podcast to be distributed nationally – “Jazzed About Work” hosted by author and career coach Beverly Jones.
“Jazzed About Work” features lively, informal conversations about everything it takes to create a resilient and rewarding career.
In each segment, host Jones interviews professionals who can share their expertise related to the workplace. Her guests go beyond the research and get personal, as they talk about their interesting and often surprising professionals paths.
Jones is an executive coach who wrote the handbook on building career resilience, “Think Like an Entrepreneur, Act Like a CEO.” She also writes a Career Blog for
She draws on her own experience as she talks with guests about everything from smart ways to lead, to their favorite techniques for career management and reinvention.
Every segment blends good stories with practical suggestions for career navigation.
New episodes of “Jazzed About Work” will be released every other Thursday. It is available through iTunes PodcastsGoogle Play, and NPR One .

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