
Kasich Focuses on Accomplishments in State of State Address
By: Matt Cudahy
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For the sixth time as Ohio’s Governor, John Kasich delivered his annual State of the State Address, however this was the first time the event was held in Southeast Ohio.
The address, which took place in Marietta, started at 7 p.m. and ended promptly at 8:21 p.m. The event opened with Cliff Rosenberger, Speaker of Ohio’s House of Representatives, who then introduced Ohio Senate President Keith Faber.
Governor Kasich was then finally brought up on stage, but his entrance was arguably the highlight of the whole address. Before saying a single word, Kasich took a selfie with Rosenberger and Faber, per Rosenberger’s request, and then followed that up by kissing a baby in the front row.
“Well, you know, I couldn’t resist that baby,” Kasich said. “I mean, that will be one she remembers when she gets to be 18 and decides to vote – I will be out of politics, but that’s so sweet.”
Kasich then got down to business. A major theme was Kasich’s time away from Ohio on the presidential campaign trail and how that has benefited for the state.
“In many places I’ve actually met people who have been struggling with some of the same challenges we have faced right here in our beloved state,” he said.
The Governor said Ohio’s story has become an inspiration for others around the country.
“I’ve been grateful to be able to give them hope by holding up what we’ve been doing here, how we’re getting back on our feet, how we’ve made progress … by pulling together,” Kasich said. “That’s the funny thing about hope, it’s powerful because it can be contagious, and the progress we’re making is giving hope not only to Ohioans but to many other people across this great nation.”
Throughout the address, Kasich focused more on his accomplishments than future plans. He did however propose a comprehensive tax reform package for next year as well as tougher regulations on pharmacies.
Kasich also gave a vote of confidence to Lieutenant Governor Mary Taylor in her possible bid for the 2018 race for Ohio Governor.
“We are streamlining regulations, and Mary Taylor has done a great job with the Common Sense Initiative to create a jobs-friendly climate,” Kasich said. “The formula is working: fiscal responsibility, common sense regulations and of course always looking to cut taxes.”
Attorney General Mike DeWine and Secretary of State Jon Husted may also for the seat.
Kasich, also a GOP candidate for president, hopes this will be his last State of the State Address and that instead he will be making a State of the Union Address next year.