
Quick, Easy One-Cup Cobbler Recipe

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A few years ago I was in a ‘country’ store when I picked up a country cobbler packet. The recipe said ‘add fruit, one stick of butter, one cup of milk and bake at 375 degrees.’

The recipe was familiar. I grew up eating my grandmother’s cobbler recipe and it was simple: fruit, with one cup of flour, sugar and milk along with one stick of butter.

When I looked at the ingredients on the pack, I noticed that the only ingredients included were flour and sugar. One cup of flour and sugar and the price was around five dollars.

This recipe is simple and easy. You can use any fruit you like. Blackberries are my favorite (if you can find them), but peaches, strawberries or canned fruit toppings (like cherry) will work just as well.

I like to pack a little extra fruit in there, if possible. And you can double the recipe very easily. To keep it a little healthier, I often cut the butter down to about a ½ stick.

One-cup cobbler recipe

One cup of self-rising flour

One cup of milk

One cup of sugar

One stick of butter

Fruit of your choice

Pre-heat oven to 375 degrees.

Put butter in pan and place in oven to melt for a few minutes. Combine flour, sugar and milk in bowl. Add to melted butter in pan and stir together. Add fruit to mix and combine with mixture.

Bake around a half an hour or until edges and top is brown.


Add vanilla ice cream, if desired.