Ohio International Students Won’t Comment on Trump’s Travel Ban
By: Maggie Shandrick
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ATHENS, Ohio — International students at Ohio University are reluctant to comment in President Trump’s most recent action banning residents of some Muslim countries from entering the U.S.
The President signed an executive order Friday that bars of refugees from seven Muslim-majority countries from entering the United States. The policy, titled “Protection Of The Nation From Foreign Terrorist Entry Into The United States,” bans entry from Iran, Iraq, Syria, Sudan, Libya, Yemen and Somalia for 90 days and the admission of all refugees for 120 days.

“I am establishing new vetting measures to keep radical Islamic terrorists out of the United States of America,” Trump said during the signing at the Pentagon. “We don’t want them here.”
The executive order also commands the secretary of Homeland Security to hold a 30-day assessment to determine which countries fail to provide sufficient information for its citizens to be given visas to enter the U.S.
“In order to protect Americans, the United States must ensure that those admitted to this country do not bear hostile attitudes toward it and its founding principles,” Trump stated in the opening section of the executive order.
White House officials say this is Trump’s first step in his promise to enforce immigration policies and strengthen boarder security.
Campus Reaction
Many international students, including representatives of the International Student Union refused to comment on the president’s action, but International Student Union President Hashim Pashtun encouraged students to bring their concerns and questions to the International Student Union on the third floor of Baker University Center.
Pashtun said representatives are a diverse executive team focused on making students at Ohio University feel comfortable.
McDavis’ Showing Concern
Ohio University President Roderick J. McDavis emailed staff and students regarding the executive orders.
“I share the increasing concerns from many members of the Ohio University community who are reaching out to me regarding the executive order,” McDavis said in his email.
McDavis also encouraged anyone affected by the ban to seek information and counsel from International Student and Faculty Services or via email ifs@ohio.edu.

McDavis said he will continue to monitor the national discussions and will keep the University community informed of important developments.