Ohio House May Revisit Kasich Medicaid Veto
< < Back toCOLUMBUS, Ohio (AP) – The Ohio House is again weighing an override of Republican Gov. John Kasich’s veto protecting Medicaid expansion after scrapping the idea in July.
A memo circulating among House Republicans on Saturday says Speaker Cliff Rosenberger “would just like to see” where his caucus stands now that efforts to repeal the Affordable Care Act appear stalled indefinitely in Washington.
Kasich vetoed a budget provision that called for freezing new expansion enrollment starting July 1, 2018, and preventing those who drop off the program from re-enrolling.
Rosenberger said in July that his chamber had the 60 votes necessary to block the veto but had not called the vote because Republicans wanted first to see how the national health care debate would play out.