Group Seeking Possible Energy Law Referendum For 2020 Ballot
By: Andy Chow | Statehouse News Bureau
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Ohioans Against Corporate Bailouts is leading the charge for a possible ballot referendum to stop the new energy law that would bail out the state’s two nuclear plants through $150 million in ratepayer subsidies a year.
The new law would also create new subsidies for coal and solar.
The group registered with the Secretary of State’s office to become a political action committee the day the bill was signed by Gov. Mike DeWine.
The new energy law has garnered a variety of opponents. Environmental groups are against rolling back the green energy policies. Conservative groups saying bailing out the two nuclear plants goes against free market principles. And the oil and gas industry says this creates an unfair playing field.
Ohioans Against Corporate Bailouts would not confirm yet which groups have officially supported the effort for a referendum.
To get on the 2020 ballot, the PAC would need to collect 265,774 signatures.