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Trump’s Grip on the Republican Party Tightens Even While Out-of-Office

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The Republican Party has morphed from one in chaos shortly after President Joseph Biden’s inauguration to one that is now firmly under the thumb of former President Donald J. Trump.

Loose ends are being roped in by the former President and the GOP is now firmly in Trump’s hands, says Philip Elliott, Time Washington correspondent and author of TIME’s weekday newsletter “D.C. Brief.”

Elliott believes that efforts by Trump devotees to limit voting access in many states, along with redistricting of Congressional districts after the 2020 census give the GOP the distinct advantage to gain seats in the House and the Senate in the 2022 midterm elections.

Add to that mix, Trump is still promoting the falsehood that his Presidency was stolen from him through election chicanery. This whips up and perhaps expands his base, Elliott notes.

This promise of regaining control of the legislative branch for the last two years of President Biden’s term is enough to keep, even anti-Trump Republicans in line through the midterms, Elliott adds.

All these factors lead to the conclusion the Trump is still in control and will be leading the GOP, at least through 2022 and most likely right up to the 2024 Presidential race.